Docker Log Aggregation: Deploying Grafana with Loki Integration
Docker container log aggregation with Grafana and Loki.
Grafana is an open-source software used for analytics and data logging. One of the more common uses for Grafana is visualization, organization, and monitoring of data.
I'm using Grafana and Loki to ingress logging data from both Docker container log output using the docker Loki plugin.
Getting started
One of the quickest methods to get up and running with Grafana and Loki is to run a containerized setup. This tutorial requires that you have a running Docker environment.
A quick docker environment setup
apt-get update
apt-get install curl
curl -fsSL -o
If this quick setup doesn't fit your environment, check out
Install the docker driver for Grafana Loki:
This plugin is required on any container host that will be sending container logs from Docker to Loki using the built in docker logging.
Get Grafana and Loki running with docker compose:
Create a directory for your configuration and docker compose file to live in and enter it:
mkdir -p /opt/loki
cd /opt/loki
nano docker-compose.yml
Change your timezone:
Create ./grafana-config/datasource.yml
cd /opt/loki
mkdir -p ./grafana-config
cd grafana-config
nano datasource.yml
Create ./loki-config/local-config.yaml
cd /opt/loki
mkdir -p ./loki-config
cd ./loki-config
nano local-config.yaml
Bring your new compose project up:
cd /opt/loki
docker compose up -d
Your output should look as follows:
[+] Running 3/3
✔ Network loki_default Created
✔ Container grafana Started
✔ Container loki Started
Add the logging driver to a container with compose:
If you are adding this logging driver to a container on a host outside of your localhost, be sure to change loki-url IP address to the IP address of the host running Loki and Grafana.
driver: loki
loki-url: "http://loki-endpoint:3100/loki/api/v1/push"
loki-external-labels: job=dockerlogs,owner=docker,environment=development
After adding the logging driver to your container, run "docker compose up -d".
Add the logging driver to a container without compose:
Use the --log-driver and --log-opt flags to accomplish this.
--log-driver=loki \
--log-opt loki-url=http://loki-endpoint:3100/loki/api/v1/push \
A full run command may look like this:
docker run \
--name nginx-server \
--log-driver=loki \
--log-opt loki-url=http://loki-endpoint:3100/loki/api/v1/push \
-p 80:80 \
Grafana first-run
Use your favorite browser. Navigate to: http://container-host-ip:3000
Use the Grafana default login: admin/admin.
Set a new password. The storage is set to persist, so your credentials should persist.
Explore your data
Navigate to Explore > Log labels > Select a label for the container or containers you added logging for.