Fix: Wallabag Authentication Error on login Attempt

Fix: Wallabag error “Authentication request could not be processed due to some problem”

Fix: Wallabag Authentication Error on login Attempt
Photo by Michael Dziedzic / Unsplash

Wallabag presented me with this strange error upon login.

“Authentication request could not be processed due to some problem”

The following should fix the issue.

Find the Wallabag container name

docker ps | grep wallabag

My output looks like this. The container name in this case is "wallabag-wallabag-1"

0fdc29bd8a92   wallabag/wallabag:latest                                           "/ wall…"   6 weeks ago         Up 2 weeks   >80/tcp, :::8999->80/tcp

Execute the following to upgrade the Wallabag database to resolve the compatibility issue:

Remember to change the container name "wallabag-wallabag-1" with your container name.

docker exec -t wallabag-wallabag-1 /var/www/wallabag/bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=prod --no-interaction

Your output should be similar to the following:

[notice] Migrating up to Application\Migrations\Version20230613121354
[notice] finished in 109.3ms, used 30M memory, 4 migrations executed, 4 sql queries

Attempt to login. I was successful without restarting the container right away.